I got a fever yesterday, that's why I don't have any change to update my blog yesterday. Yesterday when I wake up early in the morning, I was very dizzy. I hold on the wall so that I will not fall. My sweat is flowing fast from the pores of my skin. I called my Grandmother and asked some help. She helped me and she prepare some breakfast. She told me that I should eat much food and take some medicine for my fever after eating. While I am eating, my Grandmother brought a Tawa-tawa grass. I asked her "What will you do with that tawa-tawa grass grandma?", "This is for your fever, in case of emergency that if it is a dengue fever, we can prevent it early" she replied. After eating, I took some medicine and I drunk the herbal medicine that made by my Grandmother. I am a curious kind of person, I asked her what's the steps on how to make that kind of herbal medicine.
Get some 5 or 7 tawa-tawa grass/plant
Cut off the roots, throw it away
Wash and Clean it very well
Fill your boiling pot with clean water
Boil the tawa-tawa grass
Wait until the water becomes green
Pour into a glass and let is becomes cool enough
Drink one glass a day
Now I am Okay. My fever is gone. I can now update my blog.
January 20, 2010 at 1:01 AM
whats herbal cure for ACid reflux.. pls search it for me..
whats herbal cure for ACid reflux.. pls search it for me..