Weekend Plans

Posted by Junex On 6:51 PM
It is now already the end of the week or what we called the weekend. We have no class in the school during Saturday and Sunday and it was extended up to Monday because the teachers in our school will conduct a meeting that day. Thank God, our rest day is extended. I have many things to do this weekend such as memorizing my script for my presentation this Tuesday in our English class, Studying my lessons specially in Mathematics because my teacher will conduct a long test this Tuesday in our mathematics class, I will update my blog and post something on it, I will also help me family in household works and I will search and watch videos on youtube about a simple motor so that I will have a knowledge of what type of simple motor will I make this coming Tuesday in our Science class. Also this 12 noon, I shall go to our school because we had an agreement with my group mates/classmates that we will finish our sign poster project in our Aral. Pan. class this day. I must go to our school first before I am going to make a post in my blog and searching videos on youtube. That's all my plan this weekend.

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